List of Contents:

General topics:

Chapter 1: Route planning (Where to start, How far to go in how much time, Map of Med. showing distances)

Chapter 2: Anchoring, Harbors and Navigational Aids (Different anchoring practices, different buoyage system from the US)

Chapter 3: Equipment(Practical gadgets, using US equipment in Europe, what to bring from home)

Chapter 4: Charts, Pilot books and other sources of information (Where to get them, what they cost)

Chapter 5: Weather and Weather forecasts (Weather patterns, finding forecasts)

Chapter 6: Wintering over (Where, why, and how to use the winter break)

Chapter 7: Fishing and Marine Life(Fishing practices in the Med., what to see)

Chapter 8: Money matters (Foreign currencies, exchange rates, getting cash)

Chapter 9: Shopping (Opening hours, where to get what, getting mail)

Chapter 10: Islamic countries (Do's and don'ts, how to bargain)

Chapter 11: Language(Making yourself understood, color table of courtesy flags)

Chapter 12: EU regulations (How EU regulations affect foreign boats, Plan of Europe showing the extent of the European Union)

Country chapters: (What not to miss, what is special in each country, plenty of photos)

The Akropolis of Lindos on the island of RhodesChapter 13: Iberian peninsula: Spain, Portugal and Gibraltar

Boxed insert: The olive tree

Chapter 14: Morocco and Tunisia

Boxed insert: Mosaics

Chapter 15: France and Italy

Chapter 16: Malta

Chapter 17: The Adriatic

Chapter 18: Greece

Chapter 19: Turkey and Cyprus

Boxed insert: Carpets

Chapter 20: The Middle East

A: Metric conversions
B: Being polite in 7 languages
C: Books for the boat and useful addresses

If the chapter that interests you particularly is not yet online please send me an e-mail and I'll give it priority.

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